Mental Health Home Tips

As the Coronavirus Pandemic continues and many of us are no longer able to leave our homes, it is
important to remember to practice positive mental health habits. During
stressful times and major disruptions to daily routine, it is easy to have
heightened anxiety and feelings of stress and depression. Here are 5 tips to
stay mentally healthy from HCO Behavioral Health services:

  1.   Create a routine and stick to it 

    Make a schedule of things you plan to do every day; make a list of goals or hobbies you want to
    start/pick back up. Having a routine gives you a structure and sense of
    purpose. Find a good flow to follow at home that promotes positive mental


2. Reorganize and clean your house 

 Now is the perfect time to do some tidying up of your house or start that spring cleaning and
organizing you’ve been wanting to do. Studies show that living in a clean and
organized atmosphere is beneficial for your mental health.


3. Try cooking something new

Test out a new fun recipe or bring back one of your favorites. Cooking can be a great way to
relax, destress, and connect with those in your home, while helping you sustain
a nutritious diet.


4. Exercise at home 

 Physical activity has proven to have lots of positive benefits on mental health. Find a free video
tutorial to follow along with, go for a run or a hike to keep the endorphins
flowing and your mindset positive.


5. Video chat with friends and family

It is important to stay connected with your friends and family, even if you can’t see them in
person. Social interaction and connection are proven to beneficial to your
mental health. Try catching up with one of your friends over apps like Skype,
Zoom, or FaceTime.  



Douglas Austin